- MSPA E-Learning Area - check out all available courses
- MSPA Europe/Africa Workshop Week
- Current Events & Workshops Calendar of MSPA Europe/Africa
- General Annual Conference of MSPA Europe/Africa
- Shopper Certification - for shoppers who are willing to invest in themselves!
At the MSPA we are building a full curriculum of face to face workshops, on-line learning and certification and webinars. Our plan is to cover the needs of owners, sales, account management and operations staff in our MSPA members. The curriculum is under construction but watch this space! The following graphic shows what we are planning:
The European/African MSPA Education team has been created to support MSPA members by offering them industry related training and education.
Also the MSPA Education Team can offer tailor-made workshops for members' employees & mystery shoppers. We have a large database of professional trainers all over Europe who can assist members with their Education programmes. In addition we can organize different workshops in countries across Europe & Africa.
Members should not hesitate to use our support services!
We encourage members to continue their life long learning process with us.
About shopper certification
The MSPA recognises that Mystery Shopping is a profession, not just a hobby. It‘s important for our member companies to work with professional Mystery Shoppers, that‘s why we developed this on-line European/African Certification programme. In these challenging times, it‘s really important to hire the best!
The Certification tool exists in different languages. We can provide members with all the necessary POS to help promote shopper certification on their company websites.
We stress that education and improving employee knowledge is crucial – as each employee has a crucial role to play in improving their company's reputation.
For more information about our Certification tool don’t hesitate to contact us info@mspa-ea,org