MSPA Shopper Certification

The MSPA recognises that Mystery Shopping is a profession, not just a hobby.  As is the case of other professions, we believe that a means of addressing shopper standardisation, education and certification is an absolute necessity.  In response to this requirement, we have developed this on-line European Certification programme.  Companies are always looking to hire the best and brightest, and this certification is one method of setting these companies apart from the crowd.




Courses for Shoppers:

Shopper Certification - Level 1- Introduction

This certification test is the basic qualification MSPA Europe/Africa currently provides to support mystery shoppers across Europe and Africa. It covers all of the key elements required to better understand the mystery shopping industry and how you can be involved. 

  • Essential Background to Mystery Shopping
    • What is Mystery Shopping?
    • Why would a company want to use mystery shopping?
    • What kinds of companies and organisations use mystery shopping? 
  • The MSPA Code of Ethics
    • Why do we have “The MSPA Code of Ethics”?
    • The MSPA Code of Professional Standards and Ethics Agreement for Mystery Shopper

Click here for the Shopper Certification - e-learning 

Shopper Certification - Level 2 - Implementation
How to conduct a Professional Mystery Shop

The MSPA EA guide to Professional Mystery Shopping. With this course you will learn about our Professional Standards, how it affects mystery shoppers and how to work to the highest standards to build a great reputation.  

  • Acceptance and preparation for the visit
  • The Mystery Shopping Visit
  • Reporting Your Mystery Shopping Results

Click here for the Shopper Certification - e-learning

To become a MSPA certified Shopper you need to pass Level 1 and 2 of the shopper courses!

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