What do MSPA Members say?

How the MSPA helps guide & connect Mystery Shopping Companies. What do the 2020s have in store for us all? Mystery shopping remains a valuable tool, allowing for companies in any industry to evaluate their frontline performance, product saleability, and a whole host of other areas. Read more...

Jeroen de Koning
CEO of AQ Services International

During MSPA conferences (we can) exchange with foreign MS companies, to enrich ourselves from their experiences and their differences and to work together on the qualitative enhancement of our MS services. We collaborate with other companies… offering guarantees of reliability and quality for our clients.  (We can) respond positively to the requests of our clients who want more and more broad coverage of all the countries of the planet.

Director International Operations, BVA Mystery Shopping

In these years as a member, I always received help from the board of MSPA and other members, if we had any questions. It is a really good feeling to have friends »out there« in our business, where we all have the same challenges. 

Natalia Ugren
CEO & Founder, SKRIVNOSTNI NAKUP d.o.o.,

I have attended almost all the conferences in Europe since 2015, travelling thousands of kilometers from Buenos Aires, and I must say that the effort is really worth it. I find these events more interesting in terms of learning, more valuable in terms of sharing know how and experiences, more profitable in terms of networking and, last but not least, they are always a great opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. 

Marcelo Tarica
CEO, T&A Consultores

The most important part has been networking and getting to know people and companies throughout Europe and sometimes this has turned into business opportunities. Additionally taking part in the MSPA conference was adding a lot of value as with some further insight into the industry.

Johan Lindholm,
VD/CEO, Precont-Pegasus

Being a member of the MSPA has given our business the opportunity to join a global network of like minded businesses and leaders in the sector that we can network and collaborate with… Our Senior Management Team have also taken a lot of learning from the educational programmes. Working to the MSPA code of compliance gives all our various stakeholders the confidence that we are adhering to the sector’s leading standards.

David Hopkins 
Founder & MD Proinsight Research Ltd, 

We joined MSPA with the objective of learning mystery shopping best practice to improve how we manage mystery shopping projects and the quality of reports for our clients. 
…The interactions with MSPA and other members have been beneficial in sharing knowledge, market challenges and how to overcome them. We also feel we are not alone as we are part of a larger community of knowledge and insights. 

Jacqui Mwangi 
Director | Buyology Co. LLC 

I joined MSPA in 2008, and I meet people that really care about Mystery Shopping best practices and not only about their own companies…I thought I knew everything about Mystery Shopping and it is not true! So happy to share my knowledge and learn from the other members.

Stella Kochen Susskind
CEO SKS CX Customer Experience Consultancy

This membership ensures getting a lot of knowledge, for example, that which concerns the laws of GDPR, which has been quite useful to our company. Taking part in the MSPA annual conference …provided us with beneficial and practical information on a variety of topics, it also gave us the opportunity to connect with partners from other countries, resulting in a growing number of cooperation offers and a possibility to expand our business abroad in the future a lot more easily. 

Neringa Kazlauskienė
Board member, Shopper Quality Group

…Our delegates look forward to attending the annual conference, hearing from the speakers and taking part in workshops to ensure that they are kept up to date with the newest technologies and are aware of any upcoming changes within the industry. Having a network of other mystery shopping professionals is also hugely beneficial as we often need help facilitating global mystery shopping programmes for our clients. We regularly refer to the MSPA Code of Ethics in employee training sessions and also in the contract that shoppers agree to when they register with us.

Sophie Grafton
Managing Director, Mystery Shoppers Ltd

Our membership was primarily motivated by working with companies from other countries, getting to know and respecting the ethical principles of the industry and fulfilling the requirement for tenders in our country, which was sometimes that a company had to be a member of the MSPA to participate… But we are here not only for business cooperation, but also to help colleagues from other countries.

Goran Petrović
Direktor, Adverto Metrics d.o.o.

Since being member of MSPA we get more questions about our company and the work we do. Also we’re asked to make offers for different mystery programme’s. So we’re happy that we are becoming more familiar because of our membership of MSPA! 

Hayat El Otmani
Programma Manager, &beyond sales engineers

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