Advertisement Possibilities - MSPA EA website
Advertising on the European/African Mystery Shopping Professionals Association (MSPA) website - www.mspa-ea.org, offers your company exposure to targeted market segments. Just one piece of business can cover your advertising costs. The structure of the site is such that targeting your specific markets is a straightforward process, based on where your rotating banner is placed:
MSPA Main Search Page
The MSPA Main Search Page is used by companies seeking mystery shopping services.
Mystery Shoppers
Individuals who perform mystery shopping (as well as other consumers who have an interest in becoming mystery shoppers).
Website banner Service
To ensure that all banner advertisers get maximum exposure, a list of all page advertisers (Ad List) will be shown in a highly visible spot on the ad page. When a user opens a page, only one rotating banner is displayed, but all banner advertisers are listed on the page, with links to their web sites. So, your investment is even more valuable…site visitors see your name every time the page is opened, not just when your banner ad appear. Also, advertisers may include a message up to 50 characters in length in their Ad List listing.
Download here the information sheet to find out all details about publishing your ad to the MSPA Europe/Africa website!
In case there are any questions, please contact Nikky Alkemade, Executive Director of MSPA EA.