MSPA Forum IV | 5 & 6 November 2025 | (venue will be announced shortly)
MSPA EA - EXECUTIVE FORUM IV - 5 & 6 November 2025
Our journey continues...
We can confirm the dates of the next Executive Forum for Business Leaders in the Mystery Shopping Industry in Europe and Africa.
Space is limited and we already have expressions of interest from many people so we invite you to apply by clicking here or the button above.
Our agenda continues to evolve and the top 4 subjects to discuss from our notes are:-
OTHER AGENDA ITEMS suggested and to be agreed.
The agenda is yours of course but we sense a consensus to cover the above in more depth – so join the dialogue and play a part in our connected future.
The programme is simple; interactive, and informal, starting with a little pre-work, then a day and a half of interactive discussions. We will focus on the above key Subjects, discussing solutions, concrete sharing with and learning from each other.
We invite the first 15 leaders to apply to join us and Connect, Learn and Share in November: the programme is interactive, focused moderation, a lot of discussion and solutions and informal!
CLICK HERE to CONFIRM your attendance for fith Forum on 5 and 6 November 2025 - First places are already booked!
Destination & Venue - We are looking for slightly warmer or more interesting locations that are equally accessible as Amsterdam, so raise your hand early to book a slot so we can start the search in earnest.
Destination and venue to be announced shortly!
Best wishes
Nigel and Nikky
Confirm you place and apply!
Who can attend the Forum: CEO's, MD's or owners of a member company striving to continue to deliver excellence in every quarter you will be familiar with the challenges and opportunities we now face.
To join the programme, we ask a fee of 975 Euros, reduced to 875 Euros for all those that confirm by 1st April 2025. This will include a day and a half of interaction, pre-evaluation and follow-up. Refreshments, lunches on both days and dinner on Wednesday evening are included within the fee.
Nigel Cover, (MSPA EA Governor and Consultant) and Nikky Alkemade (MSPA Executive Director) will facilitate the event and we hope to be joined by MSPA friends who share our collective desire to connect, learn from each other and share their experiences.
09:30 - Welcome coffee Introductions
10:00 - Welcome & Introductions
10:30 - Session One
13:00 - Lunch
14:15 - Session Two
17:00 - End Day One
19:00 - Informal networking Dinner
09:30 - Session Three
12:00 - Wrap Up – Creating Conclusions
13:00 - Closing Lunch
REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE - first palces already booked!
Space is limited and we already have expressions of interest from many people so we invite you to apply by clicking here or use the button above.
Registration fee 975 Euros, per person
Confirm your attendance by April 1st and receive a Euro 100 discount!
This will include a day and a half of interaction, pre-evaluation and follow-up. Refreshments, lunches on both days and dinner on Wednesday evening are included within the fee.
Space is limited and we already have expressions of interest from many people so we invite the first 15 leaders to apply to join us and Connect, Learn and Share .
Booking and cancellation conditions
- The MSPA Forum application fee includes all scheduled sessions, materials, coffee/refreshments breaks and lunch on Wednesday and Thursday as well an Informal Dinner on Wednesday.
- The fee is per person, excluding VAT and hotel & travel costs (such as accommodation). Dutch VAT will be applied to all customers located in The Netherlands. The reversed charged principle will be applied for European customers that provide us with a valid VAT number. All customers outside of the European Union are exempt from VAT.
- An invoice, including an online payment possibility to pay by credit card, will be sent to you by email after receipt of your registration and when the MSPA Forum is officially confirmed by MSPA Europe/Africa.
- Cancellation is only possible in writing and send to info@mspa-ea.org. If cancelling latest June 1st, 2025 no costs are charged; as of June 2nd to September 1st, 2025 a Euro 350 will be charged per cancellation for administrative purposes. If cancelling on or later than September 2nd, 2025 the full registration fee will be charged.
- In cases of force majeure (for example war, public unrest, close to civil war, strikes, epidemic, natural disasters) MSPA holds the right to cancel the Forum in full or reschedule to another date. MSPA will do their utmost to refund the registration fee in full or partly to the delegates, reduced with the cancellation costs received by third parties. Damages and costs third parties, resulting from the action of force majeure circumstances will not be compensated to delegates (like flight tickets, hotel costs, etc).
- MSPA Europe/Africa hold the right to cancel the Forum if the minimum number of delegates is not reached - 12 persons - latest second week of September, 2025.
- Please do not reserve an hotel room before MSPA confirms the Forum to you to prevent any cancellation difficulties, however most hotels do offer very flexible cancellation criteria's at this time.