Smiling Report 2024 - Press Release

Smiling Report 2024 - Press Release

Let’s take a step back in time to 2023 and our Smiling Report.

PRESS RELEASE dd June 3rd, 2024

(download - press release as pdf file)

Global research: Understanding the significance of positive interactions, the Smiling Report presents a comprehensive analysis of key metrics that contribute to successful customer interactions.

The report draws insights from a vast sample of 608 325 mystery shopping evaluations conducted in 32 countries. It examines the crucial aspects of Smile, Greeting, and Add-on Sales, shedding light on the trends and performance levels across industries and regions.

MSPA Europe/Africa has released the 2024 Smiling Report in cooperation with Better Business World Wide, the 20th year the report has been published. The Smiling Report consists of data from around 32 million mystery shopping evaluations, data which has been collected since 2004. It is compiled from information supplied by Mystery Shopping Providers in Europe/Africa, Asia/Pacific and America. The report analyses customer service data from evaluations conducted across a whole spectrum of industries. All information is gathered by mystery shoppers from professional mystery shopping companies that are members of the MSPA, the trade organization for mystery shopping professionals.

Through continuous trend monitoring and analysis of key metrics, one significant advancement stands out - the notable increase in add-on sales. This surge holds exceptional importance as it directly impacts clients' financial outcomes, stemming from the implementation of mystery shopping evaluations.

While fundamental metrics such as greetings and smiles have remained relatively stable, one metric has significantly stood out - add-on sales. This data not only confirms businesses' dedication to enhancing service quality but also underscores the importance of this metric in delivering measurable and tangible results for clients.

In a world increasingly focused on providing personalized services and meeting individual needs, add-on sales become a crucial factor in creating additional value for customers. The increase in this metric reflects the success of adapting business strategies and focusing on customer needs, resulting in heightened satisfaction and loyalty.

This rapid rise in add-on sales further validates the importance and relevance of mystery shopping evaluations in assessing service quality. Through careful analysis of data collected across a wide spectrum of industries, MSPA Europe/Africa consistently provides deep insights that assist businesses in making informed decisions and optimizing their operations.

(download - press release as pdf file)


A smile is a powerful tool that transcends language and cultural barriers, creating a positive atmosphere and fostering genuine connections. It has been well-documented that a smiling face can enhance consumer joy and increase brand appeal. In the realm of mystery shopping, special attention is paid to this indicator, recognizing its potential to influence customer satisfaction and purchase decisions.

  • Latvia (97,3 %), Poland (94,4 %) and Germany (91,6 %) had the highest Smiling scores. These countries demonstrated a strong commitment to positive facial expressions.
  • The highest scoring industry is Media with 89,3% followed by Government (85,5%) and Finance (84,7%).


The first impression is paramount, and the art of greeting plays a vital role in customer interactions. A genuine and friendly greeting sets the tone for a positive experience, making customers feel welcomed, valued, and appreciated. Successful sellers understand the importance of building positive customer relationships from the very beginning. A warm greeting not only boosts sales but also cultivates customer loyalty and long-term engagement.

  • Greece has attained the highest score with 93,8% Greeting, followed by the Finland with 92,7 % and the Hungary with 92,6 % excelled in providing welcoming atmospheres for customers..
  • Media (89,3 %), Finance (88,5 %) and Automotive (88,1 %) were the industries with the highest Greeting score.

Add-on Sales

In addition to creating positive experiences, businesses are constantly seeking opportunities to maximize revenue and enhance customer satisfaction. Add-on sales represent a valuable avenue for growth, as they not only contribute to the bottom line but also indicate proactive and engaged employees. By offering additional products or services tailored to customer needs, businesses can increase customer satisfaction, build trust, and ensure repeat business.

  • Best performing with results from Add-on sales were Poland with 76 %, Kazakhstan with 70,2 % and Italy with 66,5 %, achieved relatively higher scores in this area..
  • Automotive is the industry with the highest score of 69,1%, followed by Finance (66,7%) demonstrated success in capitalizing on additional sales opportunities.

By focusing on these three key metrics—Smile, Greeting, and Add-on Sales—businesses can lay a strong foundation for success in customer service and sales. The insights provided in the Smiling Report 2024 serve as a compass, guiding businesses towards implementing strategies that foster exceptional customer experiences.

The Smiling Report 2024 serves as a testament to the resilience and dedication of businesses in maintaining positive customer interactions. Although detailed comparisons with the previous year's data are not available for specific countries and sectors, the overall high scores in Smile, Greeting, and Add-on Sales demonstrate the ongoing focus of organizations on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Major interest worldwide

The Smiling Report is used by the business community, media, governments and students all over the world. Access to the data is free of charge, however we would appreciate a contribution to our nominated charity,, so we can achieve more smiles in the world. We are happy to include Press Clips on the Smiling Report website, and we look forward to receiving your articles and links to publications. All languages are welcome!


Anyone can use the data from The Smiling Report in any publication, digital or printed, provided they include a reference that the report is managed by MSPA Europe/Africa, Better Business Sweden and powered by Insight Now.

For more information about the Smiling Report please contact Bernarda Blazek, Board  at or Veronica Boxberg Karlsson at

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