My days as a scheduler are quite varied.

My days as a scheduler are quite varied.

My daily routine depends largely on what stage of the project it is in.

In the morning, I start the day by going through my incoming emails. After answering the most important emails, I check our system for the tests that have come in, then I summarizie my daily tasks, setting up a sequence.

First, I try to answer questions from our customers. This may take up to several hours, depending on what kind of request I am asked, whether it will take longer or just a few clicks in the system. The most commonly occurring problem is a complaint about the result of a mystery shop or to change an aspect of the system. 

Once the day-to-day tasks from customers are completed, I start to deal with the mystery shoppers. It is important to check in the system if any of the projects have a problem. Here, I usually go ahead with the tasks that require a short time, and then deal with the longer ones later.

During the day, I continuously keep in touch with the mystery shoppers. While they are doing the mystery shopping they can ask me questions at any time. In some cases, I will redirect the problem raised by the mystery shopper to a competent colleague. Test inspectors also require some support, as it is not always clear what responses and results will be accepted by our customers.

Starting or closing a project can completely overwhelm the agenda, as these are usually tasks that require a full day.

My days as a scheduler are quite varied. Because we work directly with people, there are never two identical tasks or problems to be solved. Instead,, new challenges and diverse tasks are waiting every day.

Zsofi, Scheduler at ClientFirst, Hungary

Helion Research
Vaclav Sjodel

“Don’t get left behind. Join the growing list of member employees and Mystery Shoppers that have passed their MSPA e-learning courses; there are several waiting for you in the e-learning area."