MSPA GDPR Interpretation of the treatment of Client Employee Data as part of a Mystery Shopping programme

MSPA GDPR Interpretation of the treatment of Client Employee Data as part of a Mystery Shopping programme

Looking forward to seeing many of you at our conference! 

As you know GDPR is a major part of our programme and we wanted to share our non-legally binding interpretation on the important issue of the treatment of Employee Data as part of a Mystery Shopping programme. The guidance notes (download the guidance note in the MSPA EA secure members area) explore in which circumstances you do not require Employee Consent as the legal reason to progress with a Mystery Shopping programme when Employee personal data is captured.

This is shared in the spirit of best practice and is derived from valuable input from a number off member companies and their professional advisors. Whilst we cannot guarantee this approach, it appears to be the one recommended at this stage. We will of course keep you updated on any further developments.
Should you have any observations, additions and questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do the best we can to answer you.

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Helion Research

Global Mystery Shopping Specialists

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