Growth of MSPA in Africa - 3rd MSPA event in Africa / Nairobi

In the continent of “YES, WE CAN" the MSPA workshop achieved its goal of getting attendees to CONNECT, LEARN & SHARE, overcoming barriers of language, culture and distance. Feedback showed that attendees were enthusiastic about the event and are looking forward to the next MSPA workshop -  Let's go to LAGOS in 2019!

After Casablanca and Johannesburg, MSPA Europe/Africa had the challenge to build on this success at the third event in Africa in February, 2018. According to the positive feedback from participants, we made great inroads and are delighted to welcome new partners to the MSPA.

Celebrating the diversity of Africa, the MSPA workshop welcomed 25 attendees from 14 African countries at our 3rd annual MSPA event, in Nairobi. The attendees were enthusiastic to learn more of the benefits of Mystery Shopping, appreciating the informative and insightful speakers and particularly the honest information-sharing interactions between all the attendees. Attendees viewed this as a highlight of the day, and were vocal in expressing their enthusiasm for the value of the workshop to themselves as businesses’ embarking on Mystery Shopping as a new growth area.  As both an MSPA and AMRA board member, I was humbled and grateful to receive such positive, powerful feedback coming from South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Tunisia, DR Congo, Mauritius, Mozambique, Kenya and other locations.


Abdel Wahab Chaoui

Director of the MSPA Europe/Africa Board

Associate Director C&O Marketing


Feedback from this MSPA's Nairobi workshop

  • Some providers are already conducting limited MS programs in various countries in Africa in three main industries: banking, telecom and hotels. They are beginning to see the benefits of business growth from local industries in order to develop a shopper’s panel, providing assistance in training, software use etc, and capitalize on MS experiences.

  • Providers need technical support on how to locally sell the benefits of MS to new industries, how to build surveys, how to better train and motivate shoppers, how to avoid fraud, how to present reports and to train client’s in the use of MS program results. They would like MSPA EA to assist in these areas.

  • The MSPA has been successful in reaching out to many  African regions. Within this workshop, we've welcomed 25 attendees from throughout Africa -  (West: 6 / East: 4 / Central: 2 / Northern: 3 / Southern: 6) covering 14 countries. Last year in Jo'burg, only 5 countries were represented.

  • The joint efforts with AMRA (African Marketing Research Association) was beneficial for all, and hopefully we can build on this relationship in future years 

Reflections on this MSPA's Nairobi workshop

Walter Nyabundi, Infotrak Kenya

What did you think of the conference today?
I liked that it was interactive and participatory, with interesting feedback from other delegates. I found there was a valuable knowledge exchange, and it felt like a ‘mini UN’ with a good mix of nationalities. It exceeded my expectations wildly. I learnt a lot from others and thought the panel discussion was excellent.

What 2 things did you take from the conference?
I achieved a better understanding of Mystery Shopping. I had always seen it as the poor cousin of Customer experience, but now I can see that it is a full package to offer. I could see that other companies have similar problems and challenges, and I found this re-assuring.

Silas Mudachi – Kantar East Africa

What did you think of the conference today?
I thought it was great and I really gained from it. It has given me new insights on how to approach Mystery Shopping. I had thought it was sector specific, but now I can see that it can be applied to anything. I can see that there are different approached to mystery shopping, which I found interesting. The networking was excellent and beneficial. The workshop really exceeded my expectations.

What 2 things did you take from the conference?
I learnt that Mystery Shopping is not a sub-section of Market Research, but an entity of its own. I had believed Mystery Shopping was just an add-on, but now I realise this is not the case. I have never offered Mystery Shopping – clients had requested it, after the workshop today I feel empowered – ‘now I have the power!’.

Ajibike Ajayi – Sterling Business Research

What did you think of the conference today?
I thought the conference was absolutely amazing. I really didn’t want to come, but I was pressured to. I really didn’t think I would get so much out of it. I found the ambience very encouraging and the warmth was infectious. I have so much information to go home with.

What 2 things did you take from the conference?
I feel professionally empowered by what I have learnt today, and I feel livelier because I have made new friends. I understand that Mystery Shopping is only useful if the results are used, and that it is my responsibility to ensure that the client uses the responses for improvement.

Esther Ogol – Kantar East Africa

What did you think of the conference today?
I learnt so much, and so many new ideas.  I am planning my Mystery Shopping clients right now. – I have written out a list and am thinking of the best way to approach them. 
The networking was excellent, but I felt that perhaps there was too much information about the MSPA, and I would have liked more interactive sessions.

What 2 things did you take from the conference?
I have taken some new Mystery Shopping ideas, specifically relating to client retentions. I was interested to hear of the development of Mystery Shopping into training and coaching, and the follow up actions to clients rather than just showing them the results.

Isabelle Dupond – Foredeck Consulting Mauritius 

What did you think of the conference today?
The workshop was very interesting, and I enjoyed it - it was good to share good practices. I was interested to be able to compare my company with others here. I did not expect to get so many benefits from attending.

What 2 things did you take from the conference?
I learnt many things and my notebook is full of ideas to work on.

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