Employee Happiness correlates with NPS
Now we know! High scores in employee happiness correlates with a high score on the Net Promoter Score scale. Store Support in The Netherlands is one of the MSPA members that have worked with correlating the Net Happiness Score with the scores from Mystery Shopping. This is an example of the results:
Above results are from the last two quarters of 2015, based on the combination of the following four sectors: Automotive, Finance, Travel and Retail
This is a cross-table based on more than 2500 measurements.
Where the NHS was between 0-6, so was the NPS in 60% of the cases.
A NHS score of 9 or 10 also resulted in Promotors in 69% of the cases!
More figures can be found on: http://www.storesupport.nl/npsbranchemonitor
Why the Net Happiness Survey
During the conference in Athens the MSPA Europe board decided to start the Net Happiness survey which we think can be very interesting for media as well as for our members and their client’s.
One of the preconditions for good customer service is that the employees in the client companies are happy to serve their customers. Therefore we will measure how happy the employees are when serving the mystery shopper. When we have more members participating, we will make a press release to promote MSPA and the participating companies.
The NHS data will give the participating members benchmarking data which allows each of them to offer their own clients more insights.
The Net Happiness Score (NHS) is similar to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) but reflecting the mystery shoppers’ perception of how happy the employee was.
Responses 0-6 are regarded |
By subtracting the percentage of detracting perceptions from the percentage of positive perceptions, we get the net score of happy employees. If there are 100% positive perceptions, the score will be 100 and if there are 100% detracting perceptions, the score will -100.
Members pull the data from their systems and submit it to MSPA at www.mspa-eu.org in one form per country. NB! No individual client names are submitted!
Totally 34% of all members have participated in the NHS so far, reporting their NHS data to MSPA.
Now we need more members to join, to make the NHS report really powerful!
Members will receive the results per country and per industry for the periods they participate.
We hope for your cooperation!
Veronica Boxberg Karlsson - Founder MSPA Europe