Education Week 2015
We held our first MSPA members ‘Education Week’ in Amsterdam last month, and we are delighted to report that this 3-day event was a great success.
The objectives of the Education Week were two-fold. Firstly, we wanted to provide members with access to expert speakers from our industry to share their experience across a whole range of important topics. Secondly, we wished to provide the delegates with a chance to network with their peers and share ideas at an operational level.
16 participants from 10 different countries attended one or more of the workshops, and everyone who attended found great value in the sessions. Indeed, with an overall feedback total of 4.85 (out of 5), this can be viewed as our most successful workshop since we began this format of education for our members in 2013.
“Thank you! This format cannot be improved. I can’t wait to attend the next MSPA event”
“I enjoyed the role plays, and the high level of interactivity during the workshops”
“The quality of the training sessions was very high. There was so much to learn. It was practical and also great fun”
We would like to thank our presenters Stefaan Vandroogenbroeck, Cristiani Oliveira, Ramon den Uijl, Keira Mackenzie-Smith, for all their hard work planning and delivering these inspiring and rewarding workshops for the delegates.
It is hoped that the Education Week will become an annual event, which will give MSPA members and/or their employees the opportunity to increase their knowledge of best practice and latest trends within the mystery shopping industry.
We look forward to sharing more information about this fantastic event with you at the conference in Malta, on 24th – 26th May.
If any members are interested in organising workshops in their own country, and/or would like to propose content for future workshops, they can contact Stefaan Vandroogenbroeck to discuss further – stefaan@mspa-eu.org