Thank you all for attending the 24th annual MSPA EA conference

The Theme!  "The Human Asset – Driving Operational Excellence” A chance to Connect, Learn and Share with MSPA. Celebrating how much we can learn from each other, the importance of being up to date and above all, how we need to keep evolving to stay current and relevant. We discussed the interaction and interdependency between People, Process and Technology, how we rely on them all to add value to our business and our clients.

The Numbers! Over 190 delegates from 45 countries gathered for 2,5 days at the 24th MSPA Europe/Africa conference in Portugal on 23-25 May – the largest Mystery Shopping event worldwide and our 24th Annual Conference!

The Speakers!  A big thank you to the speakers coming from Poland, Hungary, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Portugal and Czech Republic who shared their case studies & experience over 2 fully interactive days.

The People!  Mystery Shopping experts and professional providers from all over the world gathered in Portugal - discussing vital areas of interest to clients, providers, employees and shoppers. Exceptional performance as again recognised in our industry with the Annual Elite Awards.

A Big Thank You! To all for traveling to Portugal, making the event again "the place to be" for everyone in the Mystery Shopping industry every year!

See you all next year in Cyprus (21-23 May 2024) or even sooner at one of the other MSPA events!


(Presentations are available in the secure members area of the MSPA EA webiste, as well all participants received an email to download them in case they do not have access to the members area.)

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The book about Mystery Shopping

Global Mystery Shopping Specialists

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Monday 19 May 2025, Tallinn - Join Us!

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