We’re delighted to inform members that the application process is now well and truly underway for 2025 Elite Status!

Elite Status is an initiative that has been introduced to acknowledge MSPA Europe/Africa members who contribute towards the promotion of MSPA Europe/Africa and the Mystery Shopping industry in general.  Elite Member status will be valid for one calendar year, and can be granted on a yearly basis as long as the conditions continue to be met.

If you’re interested in receiving Elite Status for your company, you can find out more in the member area of the website.


Don’t delay, start your application to become one of our Elite today!

Deadline to apply for Elite Status 2025 is January 17th, 2024!


  • Don't forget to check the Compulsory Criteria for Elite 2025 status, for example: at least 1 staff member needs to be registered as a MSPA individual Professional and pass the GDPR and ETHICS Course via the MSPA EA E-Learning programme! (If a staff member passed the course in the previous year and he or she is still active within your organisation, this is still valid to apply for Elite 2025)

What is Elite Membership?

MSPA Europe/Africa introduced an Active Membership initiative in order to acknowledge MSPA Europe/Africa members who contribute towards the promotion of MSPA Europe/Africa and the Mystery Shopping industry in general. Elite Member status is valid for one calendar year.

Who can apply?

All MSPA Europe/Africa members who act as ambassadors of MSPA can apply, and will be awarded Elite Member status as long as they fulfil 6 of the 15 criteria that have been established (4 compulsory criteria from Tier A, 1 criteria from Tier B and 1 criteria from Tier C).

You can access more information on Elite Member criteria to read more about it.

Why should I apply?

MSPA Europe/Africa aims to acknowledge Elite stayus by:

  • Authorising the use of an ELITE MEMBER logo on all marketing materials
  • Promoting on MSPA website
  • Announcing AWARDS at MSPA Europe/Africa General Assembly

Where should I apply?

You can find the application details on your personal membership page. Note; you complete the 2024 form as details reflect your activities over the passed year. When you press the "SAVE" button your details will be saved and send to MSPA. If you change any details or include new details at a later stage please confirm each time by pressing the SAVE button.

When is the deadline for application?

This year, applications will be accepted from February to December - deadline to submit your application for 2025 is JANUARY 17th, 2025. Applicants should complete the dedicated form, and submit their supporting evidence via our website. If the prospective applicant meets the stated criteria, the member company will be granted Elite Member status from February to December of next year. 

How does it work?

All applications, together with the supporting evidence, will be assessed by the MSPA Europe/Africa Membership Team. Once it has been established that the criteria has been met, members will receive notification that their application has been successful. The Elite Member Certificate will be issued, together with the MSPA regular membership certificate, in February of the following year. The list of Elite Status Members will be published to all MSPA Europe/Africa members in a newsletter and will be published on the MSPA Europe/Africa website by the beginning of February each year.

Sonata GBW