SMILING REPORT: submit your data for 2024!

Smiling Report 2024 - Press Release and media ainformation will be published in the first week of April 2025! 

Don't wait, join and submit your Smiling Report Survey data 2024 now!


Another challenging year is behind us. In order to get a better insight into how it has affected the service our clients provide and how things are changing in terms of smiling, greeting and add on sale, we have prepared this year's regular MSPA global survey - Smiling Report.

The research is conducted by MSPA EA and our cumulative answers will be used as data for the markets in which you participate (MSPA EA does not return or display the answers of individual agencies). Everyone who participates will get an insight into the cumulated data.

In addition to the reports that we will prepare for you, Smiling Report is available in a refreshed and brand new, improved edition. In the new visualization format, historical and new results are available, it is possible to cross results and show them individually for all markets that were included in this research. 

The new dashboard provides insight into statistics dating back to the start of project implementation to the present day. It is very simple and user friendly, so it is very easy to export interesting data for both clients and the media.

We also invite members who have not participated so far to join this large survey and share the results in their market and field of activity. The application process is simple, the benefits for the participating companies are really great considering that this project always attracts a lot of media attention

How to participate and present your data?

Very simple - fill out a simple report form for your market: - deadline for 2024 data submission is January 31st, 2025!

That's all you need to do!

  • After that, we process the data and prepare a report for you that you can use for your own needs.
  • You can use the materials for PR or as additional useful information to your clients. In any case, insight into the results of global research is always interesting and can be used in many different ways.
  • It is up to you to decide whether to use the Smiling Report for multi-channel PR, additional information to clients or something else, depending on your needs.

First time joining: how to participate the Smiling Report initiative?


  • You only need to tag all questions you have during 2024 that are about Smiling, Greeting, and Add-on Sales. And in January/February of each year, pull the number of questions and the number of YES responses, per industry and per country. It is very easy to tag questions and if you need support, please talk to your software provider already now so you are prepared. 
  • You don’t need to do any additional surveys to participate, and you will not disclose any client names, nor any other personal data.
  • Check out here how your company can join the Smiling Report initiative!


Questions about the Smiling Report? Don’t hesitate to contact Bernarda Blazek, Board Director MSPA EA and CEO at Newton Research with focus on Marketing and Smiling😊

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