WhatsApp: A secret weapon for market research
Everyone knows what WhatsApp is but using it for recruiting and training is difficult simply because it is designed to be used by one person only.
Until now If we wanted to send a message to all our interviewers we had to use broadcast lists (the lists that send a message to each subscriber).
However, these do not send messages to telephones that do not have our numbers memorized. So, every time we have a new Shopper we have to get them to register our number.
Furthermore, each message must be pasted onto WhatsApp Web and this can only be used by one person at a time. WhatsApp Business does not allow us to "spam" - we can only write to those who have already written to us.
Today we are met by a chat-api.com portal that allows access to your software and management systems (for professionals via API) to both single and multiple WhatsApp accounts.
API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message or check the weather on your phone, you're using an API.
API is an interconnection system between software that exchange their data without knowing one another’s structure. API allows “software strangers” to communicate via an assisted “common language".
For example, if you have a list of shoppers and you want to send each one a different message with some tricks, this system is for you. Or if you want to send a message to all the shoppers who must visit stores this week. Or If you want to contact the interviewers who checked yesterday but haven't sent you the questionnaires yet, again, this system is good for you.
Chat-api.com is the right product.
This product allows you to interface any system to their servers and through the WhatsApp web page.
This application costs $39 a month. It is essential to be able to send messages even to people who do not have our number in the address book or to be able to read the messages of our mystery shoppers in a centralized manner.
Chat-Api.com also exceeds one of the limitations of WhatsApp which is that it can be used by one person at a time. By connecting our system to Chat-Api.com we can read the messages we receive on our account via a simple web page and our team can reply wherever they are.
With a few tricks and an easy-to-use software system, we can use WhatsApp throughout the office to send messages to mystery shopper groups.
It also manages the sending and receiving of attachments, therefore we can send briefs to all interviewers of a particular job in a simplified way.
There is also the possibility to interface WhatsApp Business accounts and overcome many limitations such as branded messages, buttons and chatbots.
We use it a lot and we have learned to do everything with it, from real-time assistance to training, to document recovery. I tried various solutions to connect WhatsApp to our systems but this is the only one that has worked consistently.
If you need any assistance do not hesitate to contact me and good luck.
By Fabrizio Checchi, Founder Mebius