NEW Smiling Report

We are pleased to announce that the Smiling Report is available in a refreshed and brand new, improved edition.

Of the interesting improvements, we highlight a completely new format for visualizing the results that we developed in collaboration with our new provider, InsideNow.

In the new visualization format, historical and new results are available. It is also possible to cross reference them and show them individually for all markets that were included in this research. The new dashboard provides insight into statistics dating back to the start of project implementation to the present day.  It is extremely simple and user friendly to export interesting data for both clients and the media.

Additionally, all modifications and improvements are accompanied by a new updated logo that we will use in all future reporting formats.

This is the perfect time for you to take part in the new round of reports for 2021, so you too can utilise the many benefits that participation in this research has to offer.

We also invite members who have not been involved so far to join this large survey and share the results in their market and field of activity. The application process is simple, the benefits for the participating companies are excellent, particularly as this project always attracts a reat deal of media attention.

Check out here how your company can join the Smiling Report initiative!

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