SAY HI... to our new MSPA EA Board Directors!

To all Mystery Shopping Professionals in Europe and Africa!  As we are MSPA Europe/Africa board „newcomers“, let us introduce ourselves...

Hi, I'm Monica Luciani, I live in Italy, in Rome.

After over 10 years as an MSPA member, I decided to apply for the board in order to make a contribution to the association, and to bring some of the experience I gained working in Mebius for over 15 years. I believe that mixing different cultures and experiences is the basis for common growth. Sharing experiences and situations can improve business and make our customers happy.

I have always loved being together with people, sharing and creating an "atmosphere", I grew up in a family where having people around has never been a problem because living in a small town everyone knows each other. I spent quite a long time in Canada where the world of services and shops was and continues to be very different from Italy. In Canada, customer service is at the top of the experience, and while there I saw for the first time, the attitude “We are happy to serve you" -  In Italy this kind of service still does not exist.

Now I live in Rome, a much larger, more varied city where everything is possible. The culture of exploring the streets in the center is always an opportunity to see new things, to meet new people, to understand a little more of the world around us.


Monica Luciani

Director of the MSPA Europe/Africa Board 


As co-owner and co-founder of Customer Experience Agency and Helion Research Africa, I am passionate about Customer Experience. I believe in the power of mutually beneficially relationships. Locally our C.A.R.E coaching and improvement programmes have been designed to inform, engage, motivate and energise. With a wealth of practical experience and a coaching approach, I have been successfully partnering with many companies, all leaders in their field to build mutually beneficial relationships and impactful energizing experiences.

I am specifically interested in serving on the board during these times. I believe we are entering a new era, also for our industry. I endeavour to make a difference, to be of service. Not only do I bring 24 years of mystery shopping experience but also coaching and training experience and knowledge to make a difference and help build the foundations for the future of our industry. 2020 has shown us that we are truly connected.


Ronelle Janse Van Rensburg

Director of the MSPA Europe/Africa Board 
Joint Managing Director, Helion Market Research Africa


Hey there! I'm Thanasis, from Volos, Greece, currently living in Thessaloniki. I am a big fan of grunge music, a movie lover and a heavy coffee drinker 😊.

I founded AIP in 2016 - after serving for 15 years in sales management positions,  with a strong will to help companies improve their offered services and experiences.

Today, 5 years later, we have built a strong international/remote team and I love Mystery Shopping more than I did on day one! I also offer leadership training and 1 on 1 coaching on Diversity and Inclusion.  A member of MSPA for 3 years, I joined the board wanting to help in the expansion of our industry and in building stronger ties between the members. I am happy to participate in MSPA’s Education Team and I am looking forward to getting in touch with members and hopefully make a (small) impact ✌️  


Thanasis Papapostolou

Director of the MSPA Europe/Africa Board 
Founder, Aip Consulting




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