COVID-19 Members survey, trends and confidence levels in the Mystery Shopping Market

Many MSPA Members have taken part in our COVID-19 surveys in April and May and the findings make important reading.  The shift in opinion is marked, with a clear indication of market impact and timings of return, together with 2020 revenue implications and what level of sustainable business exists in the future.  In all dimensions we are saying increased confidence in our future but with guarded realistic predictions for the future.

What is clear is that the world in various markets is entering a period of recession, impacting clients and their available budgets. What is also clear is that Mystery Shopping has increased relevance as a means of testing Covid-19 compliance and the important factors that help clients differentiate their proposition at the point of customer contact – even more important as all retail markets are increasingly competitive.

We strongly recommend taking the time to read the short but detailed document, sharing with colleagues and taking part in future surveys to see changes in the trend. 

Members can access the full document in the secure members area of our website by clicking here.

Take care
Your MSPA team


Global Mystery Shopping Specialists

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