Thank you all for attending the 25th annual MSPA EA conference
The Theme! "Do Best What Matters Most” - for our clients, our people and ourselves! A chance to Connect, Learn and Share with MSPA, celebrating how much we can learn from each other, the importance of being up to date and above all, how we need to keep evolving to stay current and relevant.
We have seen our industry move from economic boom to recession, the impact and utilisation of the online, web and social media explosion, our global focus and obsession with Customer Experience and the increasing importance of Colleague Engagement, Product Presentation and Safety. We have seen the importance and relevance of Privacy for customer and employees backed by legislation all around the world, and a pandemic of massive health, social and commercial impact. A rise in cost of living, international conflict, and mixed levels of growth.
Now we see technology as our safety line with AI to help us generate more content quickly and accurately and to help translate, convert, process and validate our data!
So with all (and we mean all!) this in mind it is now more important than ever that we:
- Build Relevance and Authenticity for our services
- Make the most of the Opportunities we have
- Address the Challenges we face
The Numbers! Over 175 delegates from 45 countries gathered for 2,5 days at the 25th MSPA Europe/Africa conference in Cyprus on 21-23 May – the largest Mystery Shopping event worldwide and our 25th Annual Conference!
The Speakers! A big thank you to the speakers coming from Cyprus, United Kingdom, Estonia, Italy, Austria, Morocco, India, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, Belgium and the Czech Republic who shared their case studies & experience over 2 fully interactive days.
Vaclav Šojdel, President of MSPA EA, presented the new board for 2024/2025 to the membership. Vaclav Šojdel, Andy Firth, Bernarda Blazek, Jill Spencer, Stefaan Vandroogenbroeck and Luis Duarte continue in their positions and this year 6 board openings were available as the board term of 6 directors ended by rotation, some of which had chosen to apply for re-election, alongside other new applicants wishing to join the board.
As a result of membership advisory voting on all candidates the MSPA EA Board are pleased to welcome back Ronelle Janse Van Rensburg (Helion Research, South Africa), Monica Luciani (Mebius, Italy), Abdel Wahab Chaoui (C&O Marketing, Morrocco) and Istvan Mozes (Clientfirst, Hungary) as they are re-elected for a new term. In addition, the board are pleased to welcome Livia Gervasoni (KIK, Italy) and Kerli Soosaar (DIVE Group, Estonia) as new directors. The board say good-bye with special thanks to Rena Shaw and Thanasis Papapostolou. Rena and Thanasis were applauded by the board and the membership for their time spent, energy given and outstanding work for the association.
The People! Mystery Shopping experts and professional providers from all over the world gathered in Cyprus- discussing vital areas of interest to clients, providers, employees and shoppers. Exceptional performance as again recognised in our industry with the Annual Elite Awards.
A Big Thank You! To all for traveling to Cyprus, making the event again "the place to be" for everyone in the Mystery Shopping industry every year!
See you all next year in Tallinn, Estonia (20-22 May 2025) or even sooner at one of the other MSPA events!
(Presentations are available in the secure members area of the MSPA EA webiste, as well all participants received an email to download them in case they do not have access to the members area.)
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