We are in a position to confirm two important changes to our upcoming conference programme.
Online Conference 2020 - the role of Mystery Shopping in our new world - September 2020
By popular demand we will be continuing our online communications by way of webinars and learning content.
We are also planning an online interactive conference with workshops, networking sessions, presentations and discussion groups. This is planned in September so watch this space for more information!
2021 Conference May 18-20 - Varna, Bulgaria
With the world still dealing with and in the process of recovery wherever possible, we have made the practical decision to move our September face to face conference to May 2021. This is a difficult decision but one we feel all our members will understand as we put our collective safety first. We are hoping to update you further on content as it develops and of course we will ensure it is current and relevant.
By way of background we had very positive feedback to these changes at our recent webinar, where attendees showed enthusiasm for our online conference in September and the majority also voted highly likely to or definitely will attend Varna in 2021 - all being well.
Thank you for your continued support and we wish everyone good health and success .
Your MSPA conference team